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Passage Home

From Prison to Independence: Shayne’s Story

After 15 years of incarceration, Shayne was released with no home, no job, no transportation, no formal education or training. All he had were his name and the clothes on his back.

He was referred to Passage Home, who made an immediate referral to the local social service agency.

Many returning citizens do not have a driver’s license or other government identification. However, government documents, like a driver’s license, require you to provide a residential address on the application. This often leaves returning citizens in a catch-22: needing housing to get identification; and needing identification to get housing.

Passage Home used its network of landlords to find a home for Shayne. While Shayne's criminal background restricted his housing choices and locations, Passage Home quickly identified housing that fit his needs.

Passage Home staff got quick approval from Shayne's parole officer on apartment. Passage Home’s advocacy allowed Shayne was able to sleep in his own home that evening.

Passage Home provided short-term rental assistance while Shayne searched for a job. The agency also connected him to services for obtaining proper identification, food, and clothing.

Shayne enrolled in Passage Home’s BOOST pre-employment classes where he developed a resumé, learned how to search for jobs, and practiced interviewing skills. While he was attending BOOST, a Passage Home board member learned of Shayne’s story and referred him to an employer. Within two months, Shayne was a full-time forklift operator.

Shayne has been employed for over a year and has independently paid his bills. We are proud of the work Shayne has done to successfully reenter and remain independent.

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