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Our Network

We believe a concentrated effort of time, talent, financial resources, and innovative collaborations can significantly reduce poverty in North Carolina. Our collaborative investment will strengthen families and communities, grow strong economies, and make North Carolina a better place to live, work, play, and learn for us all.

Breaking the cycle of poverty cannot be done in isolation. We value our local, state, federal, and national organizations and businesses who partner with us in this work. These are the partners we currently collaborate with.

Our Members



Community Action Agencies are the only nonprofits mandated by federal legislation to serve the poor and disadvantaged. Our agencies share a common mission: to help low-income people become self-sufficient and independent of public programs.


They are governed locally by a tripartite board of directors with one-third representation from the public sector (elected officials or their appointees) at least one-third representation of the low-income sector with the remainder from private entities.



Our Affiliate members are non-CAA agencies and organizations who share our mission of empowerment and our vision of self-sustainability for all North Carolinians.



Our Individual members are leaders and change agents in their neighborhoods and communities who believe in and are committed to the promise of community action.

Our Partners

Our Volunteers

The CAA network is one of the largest users of volunteer services in the country. Each year thousands of volunteers donate their time and skills to help us break the cycle of poverty in their neighborhoods.

Our Advisory Council

The NCCAA Advisory Council serves as a critical community champion of the NC Community Action Association network. Members of the Advisory Council share their gifts in service to our mission by providing our organization with their professional expertise; their diverse knowledge of constituent perspectives; and their connections to local, state, and national resources.


The Community Action Network

NCCAA is proud to be part of a nationwide network of over 1,100 Community Action Agencies. Together, we make up America's Poverty Fighting Network, working within local communities to fight poverty in all 50 states and American territories.  For over 50 years Community Action agencies have deployed custom-built anti-poverty strategies that address causes of poverty in neighborhoods across the nation. The national network of CAA agencies has helped over 15 million individuals in over 7 million families navigate the path to self-sufficiency.

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