Training and Technical Assistance
NCCAA’s Training & Technical Assistance Team is an exclusive group of experts available to meet the unique needs of your agency. In addition to our scheduled training programming we are also pleased to offer training programs on demand. The team will come to you to provide specialized training and consultancy in a variety of areas:
Board Governance
Fiscal Management
HR Management
Customer Service
Strategic Planning
Community Engagement
Media Relations
Case Management
Cultural Competency
Economic Development
Social Media
CAA Standards of Excellence
Legal Liability
And More….
2025 Programming
Next Classes Start
Machr 24, 2025!
This comprehensive, 8 week, web-based certification curriculum will ensure staff who work directly with families on the family partnership process are prepared to meet their needs.
Next Classes Start March 17, 2025!
Agencies with staff enrolled in our 8 week, online certification training will not only meet critical org standard 7.9, but also be able to document staff time spent completing the course in the newly updated Community Service Block Grant Annual Report.
Next Cohort Launching
The Nonprofit Leadership Expedition offers an immersive leadership experience at the beautiful Blockade Runner in Wrightsville Beach.
Through this unique hands-on leadership training expedition, your skills will be enhanced through experiential learning. Come learn while experiencing all that Wrightsville Beach has to offer with sailing challenges, beach-side team building, and other outdoor learning activities to intensify learning and build actionable behaviors. Come enjoy this unique learning experience with your peers all while learning skills that will help you leave a better leader.
Find our current webinar training schedule and our back log of old training. We've covered everything from social media to workplace wellness to best practices when working at home and more. Members can request old webinars at no cost.
Gain a better understanding of the struggles, challenges,
and issues North Carolina's low-income families face; and
emerge from this interactive immersive experience better equipped to serve them.
Results Oriented Management and Accountability is a form of management practice that incorporates the use of outcomes and results into the administration, management, operation, and evaluation of human services.
Don't see what you were looking for here? Contact us today and let us know what your needs are. We provide training on demand based on your specific needs and goals. Contact us today!