Finding a job with a disability: Quincy’s Success Story
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Finding a job with a disability: Quincy’s Success Story

Passage Home

Quincy contacted Passage Home when his family became homeless. His wife was employed full-time, and he received disability Income, but not enough to support his family of six and pay rent.

Passage Home quickly located a house on their behalf and provided rental assistance while the family got back on their feet. The new home meant new school districts for Quincy’s four children. The agency’s youth department was able to assist with enrollment in three different schools, arrange for school bus transportation, and consistently correspond with school social workers regarding academic barriers.

With the family’s most immediate needs met, Quincy could focus on increasing his income. Though a hard worker, he struggled to maintain a job due to his disability. The agency stepped in to provide him with job training to prepare him to qualify for a job that would work with his disability.

He attended vocational training through the agency’s workforce development department. Upon completion, Quincy was recommended by Passage Home for the time-limited on-the-job training program at The Green Chair Project. While enrolled in the program, Quincy gained work experience while earning a paycheck.

The Green Chair was so impressed by Quincy's work ethic and performance, they hired him full-time. Quincy has since rescinded his disability income so that he can continue to work as The Green Chair’s newest supervisor.

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